Friday, June 22, 2012

Preventative Maintenance: Sunscreen For Your Home

Proactive Preventative Maintenance

If you are like most people, you take measures every day to maintain your health and likely your personal appearance as well.  You wake up and brush your teeth.  You eat healthy foods and exercise (ok, well you at least try!).  You wear sunscreen and schedule regular check-ups at your doctor and dentist.  You use moisturizer on your skin and avoid too much sugar in your diet.  Whatever your method(s) of self-perseverance, you make active decisions to implement these practices into your daily schedule because they are important.  

Much like you, your home requires constant maintenance and care to maintain its longevity and appearance - especially the more it ages.  Much like sunscreen can reduce physical damage and outward signs of aging to your skin, preventative maintenance to your home keeps it healthier and younger for longer.  This becomes even more critical as time goes by and regular maintenance and upkeep are necessary to avoid major and costly repairs.  At this point you might be wondering what exactly preventative maintenance entails.  The following are examples of measures you can take now to safeguard your home from future damage:

  • Roofing, Gutter, and Downspout inspections and repairs
    • Inspect roofs for open penetrations and make sure that crickets and waterways are clear of debris
    • Clean gutters and downspouts to prevent build up of leaves and other debris.  Neglected gutters can lead to wood rot problems, pest infestations, and rusting.  
    • Make sure that all support brackets are securely in place.
  • Windows & Doors
    • Inspect and repair any loose or damaged windows, doors, and trims
    • Check weather stripping and caulking around the windows and replace as necessary to help deter water intrusion.
  • Heating & Cooling Systems
    • Clean or replace the filter in your furnace monthly.
    • Consider having a HVAC professional check your system to ensure optimal performance and discover minor problems before they turn into costly major repairs.
    • Clean your ducts in accordance with your systems requirements to better your cooling/heating systems efficiency.
  • Deck Maintenance & Waterproofing
    • Decks should be inspected on an annual basis and maintained every 3-5 years.
    • A mild solution of TPS and water should be used every month by homeowners to clean decks with deck coatings.
  • Wood Replacement
    • Identification, treatment, and/or replacement of damaged wood materials caused by infestation of fungi is key to avoiding costly and potentially dangerous structural damage to your property.