Tuesday, December 21, 2010

commercial construction and repair

Our excellent reputation for HOA work has leaked out to the commercial real estate community. We recently responded to a call from a nation-wide sporting goods retailer to fix  roof leaks that prior contractors were unable to fix. They were so pleased with our work that they have contacted us for additional roof repairs. OCBS is also putting the finishing touches on roof and structural repairs at a local Orange County auto dealership. Please call us regarding your commercial construction and repair needs.

Southern California Roof Leaks From Storm Update

The pineapple express winter storm is abating. Pictured below is a recent temporary cover built to mitigate damage from a deck leak at an HOA in Marina Del Ray, California due to the record torrential rainfall. OCBS crews worked diligently throughout the weekend to assist our clients. We continue to respond to calls and are prepared for this new storm system which is predicting even more rain through Wednesday.  OCBS is available 24/7 to investigate  your leaks and place drying equipment to assist with your emergency needs.

                                                  Call Us Anytime (800) 834-2323